Why should you “NOT” test QURE® Water 10+ pH with pH litmus paper strips?

There are a variety of pH litmus paper strips available in the market today. They differ by sensitivity and what range of pH they are designed for. Litmus paper pH strips that are designed to test urine and saliva should not be used to test QURE® WATER. These pH strips have a smaller target range in which they work. This is why these saliva and urine pH strips do not have enough range to read QURE®’s high 10+ alkaline pH. Saliva and urine pH litmus paper strips will falsely read QURE® as neutral or acidic. In addition, pH litmus paper degrades with sun light and has a short expiration. The most accurate method to test QURE® 10+ is with a well-calibrated pH meter. However, you can get a good ballpark color chart reading using a pH chemical solution that you can purchase at any pool supply store or on QURE®’s website for a few bucks. QURE® 10+ should read 9.5 to 10 pH on a calibrated pH meter or purple on the chemical pH solution color chart.

What is QURE® Water?

QURE® WATER is an alkaline water with a stable pH of 10+ made from a blend of natural ionic alkaline minerals. QURE® WATER is an alternative hydration water designed to reduce or substitute acidic beverages such as: sodas/energy drinks, artificially sweetened soft drinks, purified, distilled bottled waters and more. QURE® is simply a perfect complement to an alkaline diet and lifestyle.

What is the purification process used in making QURE’s high pH water?

Our purification process is composed of 9 stages of the most advanced Reverse Osmosis, UV and Ozonation technology in existence. In addition, we added our own unique stage to our process we call “QURATION”. Our pristine purified base water is infused into a special vessel that contains several staged layers of our proprietary blend of natural alkaline mineral catalyst in the shape of underground rock layers. These layers of minerals are designed to replicate the way mother nature naturally mineralizes water through underground aquifers and springs. This stage is where the ion exchange or active bonding interaction of water molecules to minerals happens. After QURATION, we run our prized mineral rich alkaline water into a chamber of after-filters made from sweet coconut shell carbon to remove any large solid mineral materials. The final stage is the Ozonation process for bacteria protection before it is ready to be bottled. The end product is pristine purified water with natural ionic alkaline minerals bearing a strong and stable pH of 10 with a 2 year shelf life in its unopened bottle.

Our process is much different than the other alkaline water brands and alkaline water ionizers because they use limited filtration and the unstable method of electrifying water also known as the “electrolysis” process.

Breakdown of Purification Process:

  1. Activated Carbon Filtration: Removes wide range of impurities, including chlorine, odors, and pigments, sodium, fluoride, nitrates and a long list of hard to pronounce contaminants.
  2. .05 Micron Mesh Filtration: Filters out particles of inorganic and organic matter before going into the RO process.
  3. Multiple Commercial Reverse Osmosis Membranes: Purifies the water from TDS of 600 ppm to TDS of .05 ppm
  4. Activated Coconut Carbon Filtration: Removes wide range of impurities and contaminants while polishing the water.
  5. .05 Micron Mesh Filtration: Filters out impurities bigger than .5 microns to ensure cleanliness.
  6. Ultra Violet Light Disinfectant: Kills a long list of bacterial matter.
  7. QURATION Mineral Process: This is where we infuse this pristine clean purified base water through several layers of mineral beds composed of our proprietary blend of ionic natural alkaline minerals. Our process was modeled after how nature makes natural spring water. Except our water is cleaner because QURE® is cleaned free of any traces of animal feces, pharmaceutical waste or commercial industrial contaminants like spring water may be exposed in our industrial era.
  8. Sediment Filtration: This step ensures QURE® is filtered crystal clear
  9. Ozonation: This step ensures that no bacteria can grow in the bottle.

Are the minerals we use natural or organic? Where are they derived from?

Our proprietary ionic minerals blend is derived from pristine ocean minerals and mother of pearl oyster shells. Our ingredients are natural. However, natural does not mean organic. Organic certification can only be issued to a specific class of products. Organic is a paid certification that does not cover bottled water. This organic certification is issued by independent for profit organizations that charge a fee to inspect the handling and manufacturing process to determine that artificial harmful chemical ingredients were not used to denature the product. For instance, pesticides and insecticides and preservatives.

Our water says 10 pH. Is that at time of manufacturing, or a true 10 pH?

Unlike other alkaline water brands on the shelf, QURE is a true 9.5-10 pH that is stable for years inside the bottle. Other brands make their high pH using a whole different process that does not ensure their pH will stay stable. Some brand’s bottles say “pH ___ at time of manufacturing” on their label because the high pH will degrade in the bottle in a short time. When it says the pH is something at the time of manufacturing, you are not really sure if it will still be alkaline or not. Why pay extra for an alkaline water if you are “not sure” it is still alkaline?

Is our water’s pH really stabilized?

YES, our water’s pH is stabilized due to our “QURATION” process. We have been testing and storing our product for over 4 years and the pH is still 9.5+ in its sealed bottle. The reason we claim only 2 years stable is because the PET bottle has a 2 year recommended expiration date.

Are the minerals we use hard minerals or soluble and absorbable minerals?

Other alkaline waters as well as other waters (spring, tap, naturally-sourced, etc.) have hard minerals derived from soil or ground rock that can build up internally over time (causing things like kidney stones and gallstones) while QURE WATER uses traces of natural absorbable ionic alkaline minerals that are essential and easily accepted by your body. Ionic minerals are easily soluble or absorbable, bio available and necessary to the body.

You’ve read that 10 pH is high. Is this true?

We designed QURE® at 10+ pH in order to compensate for our average over-acidic diet. The average soda, energy drink or sugary beverage has a really low pH of 4. pH 4 adds a strong burden on the body’s ph balancing system. On the contrary, QURE’s pH is slightly higher than mother earth’s sea water. It has a gentler counter-balancing effect than the over acidic burdens from artificial foods and beverages. We believe 10 pH made with natural minerals is safer and a better alternative than the 9.5 pH that is made with electrolysis and artificial chemicals.

What are Ionic Minerals?

Ionic minerals are minerals that easily bond together to water. Your internal body is made up of about 70% water so these ionic minerals are easily absorbed or bonded. For a full scientific explanation see “Ionic Bond” in Wikipedia or see this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpaHPXVR8WU

What is our ORP? TDS?

Our TDS is 35 to 60 parts per million (PPM) of Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium and Zinc and our ORP varies up to -55 at the time of manufacturing. However, the ORP diminishes over time and is not stable because we use a natural process and ingredients. We refuse to make an inaccurate claim or choose to add artificial chemicals to stabilize it or apply the artificial electrolysis process. This is the reason we do not claim a negative ORP. However, our pH is 9.5 to 10.0 and is stable for 2 years as long as it is in its original sealed bottle. If the bottled is left out in the open for hours or days, it will slowly and eventually lose its alkalinity and become a neutral pH as it naturally becomes exposed to Oxygen. We recommend closing the cap tightly after every sip for Qure to retain its alkalinity longer.

When we say “traces of minerals” what does this mean?

Traces of minerals means we only infuse small amounts of natural occurring minerals such as Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium and Zinc to about a little less than 7.0 mg/l. A mix of anything in water is a delicate balance that if not done right can make the water taste yucky and metallic. Our specific ratios are responsible for QURE’s smooth taste and are trade secrets. However, you can be assured that all ingredients are pristine clean and safe for your health. FDA does not require mineral disclosure on a water bottle product label unless the amounts of ingredients are above a higher quantity in order to justify a nutritional claim.

How does alkaline water react to stomach acid?

What happens to alkaline water in your stomach, wouldn’t you think all that acid neutralizes it? Not exactly. If you’ve watched antacid ads on TV you’ve seen a pool of acid in someone’s stomach causing heartburn. The truth is, there’s no pool of acid in your stomach – only on TV! If there were, it would eat right through the stomach lining and we would all be walking around with terrible ulcers. Acid (hydrochloric acid) is only produced in the stomach when you eat, and then, when your food is digested all of your stomach’s content moves into the intestines for further absorption of nutrients. But water does not need to be digested, so when you drink alkaline water it passes right through the stomach and into the intestine where it is absorbed. The important lesson here is that if you drink alkaline water with your food, you will lower the beneficial effects since your stomach will have to overcome the added pH when trying to digest proteins in your food. For this reason, we recommend drinking Qure Alkaline Water before meals or an hour or so afterwards. (Have we mentioned yet that our alkaline water also tastes amazing? It does!)

And to be very scientific for all of you science buffs out there, here are the details: For every molecule of hydrochloric acid produced by your stomach to digest food, an equal amount of bicarbonate (which is alkaline) is produced by the pancreas and red blood cells to balance it out. We need the bicarbonate to alkalize the food broken down by the acid in the stomach to prepare for absorption in the small intestine. The bicarbonate is used to buffer the acid. So while the stomach is acidic, the intestines are alkaline. One of the reasons alkaline water is a great hydrator is because the intestines work best, absorbing nutrients, at an alkaline pH. Many health professionals recommend drinking alkaline water. So drink up and enjoy drinking QURE, the non-acidic beverage that complements an alkaline diet. Here is a supporting video by Dr Ben Johnson: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZW230HuEDw

You bought a bottle and the water “tastes like plastic.” What do you do?

If the water tastes like plastic it could be that it was stored in a very hot place on its transit to your local retailer. The PET plastic could change the taste, however the bottles are BPA-free and according to the FDA, they are safe. However, we would not drink anything that tastes “funky” either. Give us a call directly: 1-888-800-6941 and tell us the batch code on the bottles. We’ll replace your water and thank you for letting us know about the issue. We will follow up immediately to make sure the retailer or the freight company is more careful in storing our product.

Why do we use plastic bottles? What about the leaching of harmful substances and plastics in our landfills?

We are constantly on the lookout for better environmentally safe choices in all our products. Unrecycled plastics is a monumental concern that is added to our landfills by irresponsible individuals and organizations. This is why we have to spread more awareness and teach everyone to recycle all recyclable materials for a greener future. In our effort to minimize pollution and our carbon footprint, we initially started using glass bottles under the assumption that water will not leach into glass and that it would be more environmentally friendly compared to plastic. However, according to further research, we found out that glass bottles are actually more costly and difficult to recycle in comparison to plastic in the recycling cycle because the recycling process for glass adds several energy consuming steps of separation by colors. In our research, we also learned that our water is mainly purchased by active individuals on-the-go and a glass bottle is cumbersome, heavy and can easily break; potentially causing cuts and injuries. After careful consideration and weighing in the options, we decided to go with a safer grade of plastic that the FDA has studied and approved for reusable purposes without the concern of leaching harmful substances and is easily recycled. In choosing a safer non-leaching BPA-free plastic, we also committed ourselves to increasing the awareness of the importance of recycling through our health workshops and marketing efforts. QURE WATER bottles are made from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) #1. The FDA has determined that PET meets standards for food-contact materials established by federal regulations and therefore permits the use of PET in food and beverage packaging for both single use and repeated use. The FDA has evaluated test data that simulate long-term storage and that support repeated use. QURE bottles are made from PET #1 for durability, portability, impact resistance and these bottles are easy to recycle. (For detailed information, see (The Safety of Plastic Beverage Bottles) and (The Safety of Polyethylene Terephthalate.) We are committed to evolve our products to more environmentally friendly materials as greener technologies become available. At this time, we are not aware of a better option for portable water than glass or PET # 1 reusable plastic. We are always open to your suggestions.

What are the benefits of proper hydration?

Proper hydration can help your body with:

  • Transporting nutrients
  • Transporting oxygen to cells
  • Absorbing nutrients
  • Lubricating joints
  • Metabolizing foods and supplements
  • Eliminating acidic waste
  • Replenishing water loss from workout
  • Protecting against heat exhaustion
  • Regulating body temperature
  • Maintaining fluid balance
  • Flushing out toxins
  • Detoxifying and cleansing naturally
  • Decreasing food cravings
  • Helping metabolize stored fat
  • Aiding in digestion
  • Regulating body temperature
  • Aiding elimination

How is QURE® WATER different than other bottled alkaline waters?

QURE® is different than other bottled alkaline waters because it is made with a completely different process.

QURE®’s process was modeled after how nature makes natural spring water. Except QURE® water is cleaner because QURE® is cleaned free of any traces of contaminants such as the ones many spring waters may be exposed to during their travel underground and through wilderness. This process is called QURATION. The QURATION mineral process works by infusing meticulously purified pristine clean water through several layers of mineral beds composed of a blend of natural ionic alkaline minerals. These minerals are then naturally bonded together to the water to become bioavailable giving QURE® a smooth silky taste and a true shelf stable pH of 10+ for two years in its sealed bottle.

Some brands use artificial chemicals or synthetic ingredients such as Sodium Bicarbonate (aka baking soda). Other brands use a combination of these chemicals with an unstable electrolysis process.

In summary: QURE® is different because of its natural ionizing process and natural ionic alkaline mineral ingredients holding a true shelf stable pH for 2 years. (and it tastes good too!)

How does heating our water affect its alkalinity?

Heating up QURE is a good base to make hot teas, coffees or any hot drinks. The heat does not affect the alkalinity much.

Can you use QURE® on plants?

We do not recommend using QURE® on your house plants. Preferred pH for common plants is generally 6.0 to 7.2. QURE®’s pH is too high for plants because it is between 9.5 pH to 10 pH.

Can you use QURE® 10+ pH to neutralize or make your regular water alkaline?

You can! QURE® Water 10+ pH mineral concentration is strong enough to neutralize and alkalize regular filtered or purified water. The mix ratio to make your acidic water alkaline again is about 2 to 1. For example to neutralize and alkalize an 8 ounce bottle of purified water, you only need 4 ounces of QURE® Water 10+ pH. Mix them together and you have alkaline water.

Why does QURE® 10+ pH cost more than most alkaline waters on the market?

The fact is you can make inexpensive high pH water in a variety of ways including mixing baking soda in a glass of tap water to raise the pH. However, this does not mean it will bear any additional benefits or is safe for human consumption. Most common methods of making alkaline waters are limited to an unstable and short-lived alkaline pH state with dead minerals. On the other hand, QURE is made utilizing a proprietary time-sensitive ionic bonding technology together with a blend of high-quality ingredients. The bottom line is: higher quality raw materials and specialized methods cost more to produce and quality should not be compromised especially when it comes to your health.

How much water do you need to drink?

Everyone’s hydration needs are not the same. No single formula fits everyone. The old standard 8 ounce glasses of water a day has been a good rule of thumb. However, a more accurate approach is to divide your body weight in half. The answer is the approximate number of water in ounces you should drink daily. If you weigh 200 pounds, you should drink 100 ounces of water a day. If you weigh closer to 100 pounds, you will need about 50 ounces of water daily. Individuals who are physically active or live in hot climates may need to drink more.

How do you know if you’re dehydrated?

Dehydration symptoms generally become noticeable after 2% of one’s normal water volume has been lost. Initially, you will experience thirst and discomfort, a dry mouth, dry skin and possibly loss of appetite. However, once you become thirsty, it means your cells are already dehydrated. You see, thirst does not develop until body fluids are depleted well bellow normal levels for functioning. Another way to check if you are dehydrated is to monitor your urine: – A well hydrated body produces colorless urine. – A mildly dehydrated body produces yellow urine. – A severely dehydrated body produces orange or dark-colored urine.

What is the difference between macro minerals and trace minerals?

There are two main categories of minerals, macro minerals and trace minerals. Our body needs both types in different quantities in order to sustain good health. Macro means “large” in Greek (and your body needs larger amounts of macro minerals than trace minerals). The macro mineral group is made up of Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, and Sulfur. A trace of something means that there is only a little of it. So even though your body needs trace minerals, it needs just a tiny bit of each one. Most of these minerals are usually present in an average diet. Trace minerals include Iron, Manganese, Copper, Iodine, Zinc, Cobalt, Fluoride, and Selenium. Raw minerals can be harvested from soil and rocks, plants or oceans. However, in our commercialized society today, a great deal of our mineral sources have been compromised by industrial byproduct and pollution. This means that the purity and integrity of the raw minerals depends on it’s geographical origin. QURE WATER’s raw material is a combination of macro and trace minerals harvested from clean sources and independently tested frequently to ensure the highest quality and potency. 

What is the difference between Inorganic minerals vs. Ionic minerals?

Other waters have rock and soil type inorganic minerals that can build up internally over time while QURE WATER has absorbable ionic alkaline minerals that are essential to your body. The minerals from an electrical ionizer, tap water and most bottled mineral and spring waters are inorganic and originate from rocks and soil. Inorganic minerals cannot be easily absorbed by the body. If you cook scrambled eggs in an iron skillet and the iron flakes off into the eggs, is that okay? No, of course not. It’s not the right kind of iron. Inorganic minerals can build up in the body and become toxic. According to Dr. Norman Walker, over a 70-year lifespan, a person will be drinking about 200 to 300 pounds of rock that our body cannot use. Most will be eliminated, but some stays in the body, causing gallstones, kidney stones, and hardening and blockages in the arteries. Many hospitals ask patients admitted for gallstones if they drink tap water. Furthermore, tap water contains many toxic minerals and heavy metals that usually have no taste unless present in elevated amounts such as: Aluminum, Barium, Copper, Mercury, Arsenic, Cadmium, Fluoride, Nitrates, Asbestos, Chromium, Lead and Selenium.

Source: http://www.epa.gov/ogwdw000/dwh/health.html andhttp://www.epa.gov/safewater/contaminants/index.html On the other hand, ionic minerals are easily absorbable, bio available for your body. QURE WATER implements a proprietary blend of ionic alkaline minerals fused and “QURED” in a perfect water to mineral ratio for absorbability and taste. This special blend contains both macro and trace minerals including calcium, magnesium and potassium which are essential to your body.

Where does our source water come from for QURE® 10+ pH?

Our water is not from a secluded mountain of healing springs somewhere in a mystical valley. Our base water is municipal source drinking water frequently tested and monitored by the EPA in California. However, the source is not a disadvantage because of our state-of-the-art 10-stage reverse osmosis filtration and mineralization process. This technology removes and purifies everything from the water to a 05.00 TDS after which it gets ionized with natural alkaline minerals. This pristine clean “H2O” is free of chemical pollution and impurities. This is actually a huge advantage because we can make QURE WATER from just about anywhere in the world. Producing our product closer to our consumer reduces carbon emissions and energy consumption.

Does QURE WATER wash away acidic waste?

QURE WATER does not wash away acidic waste directly. Your body does it all using QURE WATER as a tool. QURE is simply pristine clean water with ionic alkaline minerals. The body uses alkaline minerals to create alkaline buffers in order to perform its pH neutralizing and balancing process. This, in turn, enables the body to perform bodily functions more effectively such as processing acidic metabolic waste by getting rid of these byproducts through urination, perspiration, defecation and exhaling. In short, QURE WATER’s alkalinity and hydration power aids the body to do what the body naturally does efficiently. You will notice that your body will rid of waste more frequently while drinking more QURE WATER.

Is it true that alkaline water alkalizes your body?

This is one of the most popular misconceptions circulating on the internet from many independent sales distributors of alkaline water ionizer machines. “You cannot alkalize the body with alkaline water!” Our bodies are designed to regulate, adjust and maintain many body processes simultaneously to sustain life and health. For instance, your body temperature must be maintained about 98.6 degrees for your body to operate correctly. Any slight change in this balance can cause illness and death. Other examples include sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels all have to maintain an ideal balance for good health. Another prime example is maintaining a delicate balance of your blood pH of 7.3 to 7.4. If your blood pH varies just a little bit, you will die. Your body is always making metabolic acid waste and neutralizing this acidity constantly to compensate, adjust and maintain a delicate slightly alkaline pH balance. This means that you can drink gallons of alkaline water on a regular basis and you will not alkalize the body because the body will adjust and compensate to maintain 7.3 to 7.4 blood pH. In order to maintain this slightly alkaline pH, your body must deal with its normal metabolic acidic waste removal process plus everything else you consume in your diet. Most of us are used to eating an acid-producing diet composed of too much meat, pasta, breads, sugary soft drinks, purified water, artificial colored flavored beverages and foods, throwing our bodies into a constant balancing struggle. One of the body’s pH balance functions is to make alkaline bicarbonate buffers from minerals we get by eating many fruits and vegetables containing alkaline minerals such as Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Sodium and more. If you get enough of those minerals in your diet, it helps your body regulate its pH. If you don’t, then your body leaches these minerals from your bones and other areas so that it can buffer, neutralize and process acidic metabolic internal waste. Over time, you may find yourself deficient in these minerals and experience many over-acidic related ailments and diseases. There are some dietary choices you can make that will replenish your mineral supplies. Eating a diet high in alkaline producing foods (like many vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, and seeds) along with properly hydrating may aid your body in balancing its pH more efficiently. “Did we mentioned that QURE WATER hydrates and has alkalizing minerals:)” 

How is QURE WATER different from an alkaline water ionizer?

Alkaline Water Ionizers use an electrolysis process. Electrolysis means that electricity is applied to tap water in order to separate positive and negative ions, which gives you the alkaline and acidic water. Although the machines have some filtration, the filtration is limited to a few small filters which are only targeted to a few impurities. The reason for this is because for electrolysis to work, the water must contain a high concentration of total dissolved solids (TDS) which really means that the water has to have a lot of suspended dissolved solids for electricity to conduct. Since the source water is raw tap water, these dissolved solids can be inorganic minerals or chemical pollution and impurities commonly found in municipal water. One of the biggest drawbacks of electrolysis water is that the benefits are temporary. Once the electrical charge wears off and is exposed to oxygen, the water returns back to its original property. Another setback of electrolysis is that once the water returns to normal, much of the inorganic minerals can drop out of suspension. These solidified inorganic minerals can build up over time inside your body and may create complications like kidney stones and gallstones in the future. In addition, these machines cost several thousands of dollars. QURE WATER is different because it is made using a completely different process. QURE does not undergo electrolysis and applies a more complex filtration process than raw tap water straight from your sink. Our mixed combination of advanced commercial filtration technology removes everything in the base drinking water to a TDS of 05.00 This base water becomes free of chemical pollution and impurities, literally pristine clean and purified. Once our base water is purified, it goes through a second process where it is infused, cured and ionized with a proprietary blending process of high-quality ionic absorbable alkaline minerals. This ionic blend includes traces of bio-available alkaline minerals. In summary, QURE WATER is pristine clean drinking water infused with ionic alkaline minerals that helps hydrate your body. A properly hydrated body can naturally detoxify, replenish, reduce and rid of acidic waste.

How is QURE® 10+ pH different from regular purified bottled water?

Due to its filtration process, regular purified bottled water has been stripped away of all its minerals leaving it completely empty. Thus, the term “dead water”. This emptiness makes the water very aggressive, acidic and absorbent. It can absorb anything it comes in contact with including the plastic from the bottle, CO2 from the air and the minerals from your body once it’s consumed. However, QURE® WATER is different because it is infused with a proprietary blend of ionic alkaline minerals with a pH of  10+.

How does QURE® 10+ pH sustain alkalinity?

QURE® can sustain a stable alkalinity for more than 2 years in its sealed bottle due to our “QURATION” technology. This “QURATION” process stimulates an active ionic bonding interaction and congregation of water molecule clusters. Our ionization process together with the precise ratio mix of ionic minerals and the absence of oxygen gives QURE® WATER a long lasting stable alkaline pH while sealed in the bottle as opposed to an unstable electrolysis process.

Can you become too alkaline from drinking QURE WATER in replacement of regular water?

The answer is “NO” because QURE 10+ is a not a drug or some concoction of artificial chemicals. QURE 10+ is simply pristine, purified, clean water infused with ionic alkaline minerals. In addition, our bodies are designed to compensate and maintain a constant slightly alkaline pH balance. Becoming too alkaline is an extreme imbalance and a very rare disease called “Alkalosis.” The reason why it’s rare is because a normal body is constantly creating an abundance of metabolic waste as a by-product of living which is acidic. The common problem is being too acidic from the accumulation of internal waste coupled with the over-consumption of acidic foods such as canned goods, preservatives, sodas, artificially sweetened soft drinks, energy drinks, caffeine and more. You can safely drink QURE WATER as often as you can drink regular water. The recommended quantity for water consumption is to drink half your body weight in ounces. For instance, if you weigh 150 lbs, then you divide that in half and drink 75 ounces a day.

WARNING: If you suffer from a special condition, taking specific medication or you are simply not sure, consult with your doctor before drinking high pH water.

Is the QURE brand name inferring that QURE WATER can CURE sicknesses and diseases?

Absolutely NOT! QURE’s brand name was developed by combining the words PURE in relation to our meticulously purified water and the word “CURED” in relation to our mineral process which blends or bonds to the water similarly as you would marinate seasoning to cured meats. When you put together the two words PURE + CURED we came up with the word “QURE”. In summary, our base water is purified water with added wholesome ionic natural alkaline minerals that is “curing” in a special vessel. Thus, the name “QURE”. As a clarification, QURE WATER does not claim to be a medicine to cure or prevent a disease. To assume that the name QURE infers to curing illness or disease is a misconception.